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Should You Detoxify Your Family Diet?

Should You Detoxify Your Family Diet?

The word detox conjures up images of fasting, cleansing and restricting food groups that may provide important nutrients. Perhaps a better image of a healthy family diet is more of a “clean eating” regimen. Instead of an extreme detox, just clean up the foods your...
5 Secrets to Smarter Snacking

5 Secrets to Smarter Snacking

1. AVOID SNACKING ON JUNK FOOD Think, “Nutrient Density” when choosing your snack. Pre-plan and prep your options so you are not caught off guard and find yourself giving in to temptation. When you don’t have time to pre-plan, choose your store...
Gluten Freedom

Gluten Freedom

The concept of the value and benefit of gluten-free food has been gaining momentum for the last 10 years. Discussion related to gluten-free diets goes back to the mid-1950s, but those peer-reviewed articles were primarily focused on the treatment of celiac disease and...
Curbing Sugary Drinks Consumption

Curbing Sugary Drinks Consumption

We have a national crisis in this country. Sugary drinks provide nearly half of the sugars in our daily diets. This fact may be the number one contributor to obesity as well as obesity related diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. We as individuals,...
Table Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

Table Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

Table salt is normally rock or ocean salt that is mined, heat blasted, chemically treated, and then anti-caking agents and iodine added to it. What you have left is table salt that is basically dead. It is now just dry sodium and chloride. Processed salt is now devoid...

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